Things To Do and Places To Visit On Your Dominican Republic Holiday

The following article presents the very latest information on Domenican Republic. If you have a particular interest in Domenican Republic, then this informative article is required reading.

Dominican Republic does not only pride itself with its wonderful beaches. They and have great mountain ranges and national parks for those who want to experience an eco – adventure. Here are is a register of good places to visits and fun things to do on your Dominican Republic holiday pleasantry.

Take a Tour to the Nation’s Capital
Santo Domingo is Dominican Republic’s important. You’ll find many historic places and monuments in this area. Some of the places that are profit including in your itinerary are the following:

Columbus Park
Puerta de el Conde
Plaza de la Cultura
Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Target
The Presidential Palace
Paseo de los Indios
Centro de los Heroes

You can besides visit the colonial towns and have a peek of the country’s rich preceding and culture. A tour to the different cathedrals, the Alcazar de Colon, The Pantheon and Fortress Ozama would take your breath away. To see some of the country’s crafts, you can visit and shop at Mercado Modelo.

Columbus Lighthouse
Christopher Columbus reached the suzerainty in 1942. He made Santo Domingo the first capital of Spain in the new world. The remains of Christopher Columbus is said to be buried in this hole. Don’t forget to visit the Aquarium when going to the Columbus Lighthouse. Here, you will see Dominican’s rich marine life.

Los Tres Ojos and Puerto Plata
Liking for some adventure? Take a tour of Dominican Republic’s four underground lakes. 3 of the four underground lakes are inside a big cavern. Be appreciative nature by taking a tour to these lakes.

Puerto Plata, located in the North Coast, is one of the places that you should visit when you are in Dominican Republic. The Amber Museum and The Fortress of San Felipe are located in Puerto Plata. You obligatoriness also experience riding the cable cars in Isabel de Torres.

Cave of Wonders
The cave of wonders has a very high archeological value as it is the first natural museum that showcases ancient art in the Antilles region.

Lake Enriquillo

Visit Lake Enriquillo at the country’s south coast near the border separating Dominican Republic and Haiti. Discover the country’s natural riches. In this area you will be able to see many endangered species like pink flamingos and iguanas. You can again take a dip at Las Barias and La Descubierta. Lake Enriquilo is located in Isla Cabritos National Park. They make known the sulfured water of the reservoir can help cure some skin diseases.

Take a Tour at Cabral

Bird lovers will find the town Cabral very interesting. This is a town where you will inspect different bird species. Laguna de Ricon is also located in this area. Ride a boat and admire the wonderful lake. You can also visit Los Patos, the shortest river on Earth with a length of 200 meters.

You can also do an outback jeep safari, go biking on the countryside and have a helicopter tour over Puerto Plata.

There are various things you can do in Dominican Republic. Plan your trip well so you can get the best out of your Dominican Republic Holiday!
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