In the northern part of Europe, there are a few countries that are worth visiting and one of it is Iceland. Recent survey has shown that a lot of people are flocking there because of the natural features it has to offer such as the active volcanoes, glaciers, geysers, the hot springs, peaks and lava desserts.

Those who want to visit Iceland can take a plane such as Iceland Air that is the national carrier. Passengers can get a direct flight from the USA or Europe to get to this place.

If the person wants to take it slow getting there, there are ferries that are available between the months of May to September from the Denmark. Along the way, the person will see the natural harbors and farming communities who have relied on fishing and the planting of fruits and vegetables for centuries.

The price either by air or sea is almost the same so it is just a matter of choice how fast the individual wants to get there. After landing at the airport or disembarking from the ferry, the group will have to board a bus to go to the city. There is only one road in or out so it is impossible to get lost.

After unpacking those bags, the group can rent a car or take a bus to visit the various geysers or active volcanoes. Since gas in this part of the world is quite expensive, some tourists have decided to rent a bike instead to get to the desired destination.

Unlike other European countries that has a lot of old buildings, museums and churches, there is not that much to see in Iceland. The tourist is here to relax and enjoy the nations favorite past time which is basically soaking in one of the natural hot springs.

Getting the body relaxed through this method has kept many Icelanders relaxed and in relative comfort. Life is simple here and this is the best way to recover from a hectic schedule at the office.

The Sjmannadagurinn Fyrsti Fyrsti which is held on the third Thursday of April celebrates the first day of summer. Similar events to this are the Pjht and the Verslunarmannahelgi that happen in August which has a lot of barbecues, camping out, family reunions and excessive drinking.

The best time to go there is in June. Various activities are held during this time such as the Sjomannadagurinn which is an event dedicated to seafarers. Sports events are held such as swimming, tug of war and sea rescues.

A few days later, the locals are in a party mod as the entire country celebrates its independence day with parades, street music and dancing as well as plays or operas done in the outdoor theatre.

During the midsummer, another tradition that allegedly cures the sick is known as the Midsummer Nights dew which happens by rolling naked on the cold ground.

The weather in Iceland is quite cold. It is best to bring a jacket as well as some extra clothing to put underneath. Tourists are also advised to bring a lot of cash since the ATM machines will only accept international checking accounts.

Iceland in many ways is another world compared to other places that a person has traveled. In any case, a good camera should always be brought to be able to show photos to those who were not able to go.