Ireland, the politically undivided island is the largest island in the continent of Europe. Lying in between the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, it is a nation that underwent political transitions or divisions, serving part-tribute to the United Kingdom, the Northeastern part; and the Republic of Ireland composite of five-sixth of the island comprising the East, South, West, and the Northwest. Total population in whole is under 6 million. Republic of Ireland which capital is Dublin is populated 1.6 million in Greater Dublin; 1.7 million in Northern Ireland; Greater Belfast is 0.6 million.

Cultures are a combination from the Scottish, British and the Celt from the Irish native origin but political odds that’s part of its history predominates principal variations in customs and practices.

Rugged hills and low coastal mountains, and sea cliffs in the West surround Ireland’s low central plains, terrains overlooking low plains that abound in vegetation because of its mild climate and moderate soft rainfalls, that gained its credits to be named “the Emerald Isles.”


The Chief of the State, which is the President, heads the Republic of Ireland and Government headed by the Prime Minister. The generally used language is British English, the Irish native tongue Gaelic is spoken mainly along the Western boarder.

Elevation: lowest point is the Atlantic Ocean is 0 m., and highest point is Carrauntoohil, 1,041m. height.

Ireland is producers of following natural resources: (1) limestone, (2) dolomite, (3) cooper, (4) lead, (5) zinc, (6) silver (7) barite, (8) gypsum, (9) peat, and (10) natural gas.

It has a 99% literacy, and prevailing religion is Roman Catholic Religion comprise 88.4%; Church of Ireland, 3%; other Christians 1.6%; unspecified 2%; without any religion, 3.5%.

Type of Government is democratic Republic and Parliamentary run by the Chief of State and powers in the political government headed by the Prime Minister.

Independence Day: December 6, 1926 thru a treaty from United Kingdom.

National Holiday: March 17, St. Patrick’s Day
Constitution: Gained by plebiscite in July 1937, and implemented December 1937.

Select Some Interests of Destinations: Vacationing travelers could prospect on enjoying settings in Fishing Villages, such as the Ballyhass Lakes, a village development for families accompanied by children who love leisure in fishing.

This salmon fishing grounds is most appropriate for those who also love golf sports, the place surrounded with golf courses and restaurants that serve the best in delicacies in sea foods fished from the neighboring lakes, rivers, and seas. This place also caters to many outdoor sports as horse riding, heritage trail walks, serviced shopping for souvenir items, and eateries accessible to groups, and family with food-craver kids to consider.

Fishing is best considered at the Ballyhass Lakes, and the Fly type of 8 – 14 is allowed, with baits of snails and insects that served as natural food for the trout (sports fish, usually a family salmonidae).

Main lakes allow the fly-fishing, whereas, on the smaller lakes or rivers, it go for the spinning and bubble worms, but does not consider ground baits.

Prices rates at the 4-Star Holiday Homes as to what month one is accommodated, and how many bedrooms of the home one selects. It ranges from 275 to 525 pounds on a 3-bedroom; and, 300 to 750 pounds to a 4-bedroom.