Thousands of miles away across the Atlantic, lies the city of lights. With more than 4 centuries of history, there are a lot of places to see and discover.

The first is the Eiffel Tower. This structure is more than a hundred years old and those who want to get to the top can take an elevator and walk the rest of the way using the stairs to get a great view of the city during the daytime or at night.

It will be a good idea to take some snapshots while up there and in some places before such as the Parc du Champ de Mars which is the adjoining park below.

Even before the movie, Da Vincis Code hit the box office; people have flocked to see the artwork at the Louvre Museum. This former 16th century museum holds various paintings and sculptures such as Mona Lisa.

The best way to enjoy this place is by getting a guidebook at the information desk once the visitors enter the pyramid. If going around this place with a group is difficult, the person can get an audio guide to be able to enjoy everything at a leisurely pace.

It is much cheaper to visit on a Sunday. The individual will just have to put up with the long lines. Tourists should not schedule a trip on Tuesdays since the museum is closed to visitors on that day.

Not far from the Eiffel Tower is the Arc de Triomphe. Napoleon Bonaparte built this structure and is the usual venue for events such as Bastille Day, which is when the French celebrates it independence from the monarchy.

There are 12 streets including the Champs Elysees that converge onto it. People cant park the car on the road to get a closer look but have to pass the underground passageway to be able to arrive there safely. Visitors can also get to the top by riding an elevator or using the flight of stairs.

Nature lovers will surely enjoy the Luxembourg Gardens. The park has lots of flowers and visitors can rent under a tree after a long day of seeing the sights. One can rent a remote control boat and sail in the small pond and in the distance see the Luxembourg Palace that is the seat of the French Parliament

Another great place to visit, which has caught the imagination of Victor Hugo, is the Church of Notre Dame. Built in the 12th century, people will be able to admire Gothic architecture.

There are various statues and colorful windows that make this place look beautiful. One is the rose window that is 40 feet wide that depicts the life of the Virgin Mary, which those who strongly believe in the Church will admire.

There are no elevators here so those who want to go to the top and see a great view of the city beside the gargoyles will have to take the stairs.

The day can end with a romantic dinner cruise by the Seine River. There are boats of various sizes that cater to couples and those who come to Paris in a group.

Paris has other museums and gardens that the tourists can check out. It will a good idea to plan a holiday for a week or two to be able to visit these places and get some souvenirs for the journey home.