Those who have never gone to Eastern Europe and want to be exposed to it should go to one of the biggest countries that is rich in culture. Here, people will be able to learn the history and the people who have lived in this country known as Poland.

The capital of this country is Warsaw and the first place to start visit is the center of town as the Stare Miasta. This part of the city was rebuilt after the heavy fighting during the second world war. Today, little remains of what happened more than 50 years ago and this has been replaced with various shops and hotels that tourists can explore.

The Royal Castle of Warsaw is the most important building in the city. Dating back to the middle ages, this was where the king once lived. Unfortunately, this too was destroyed during the war and was only reconstructed in 1971.

Tours to the vast castle are done daily except on Mondays when it is closed. There are two tours that people can choose from. The first is for the visitors to see the Jagiellonian rooms. The second is known as the yellow route that will the royal apartments and ballrooms.

The castle is still used today to hold important functions such as state visits and exhibits so there is always something happening in this place.

Those who would like some fresh air can go to the Park Lazienkiowski. There are benches by the lake so people can rest and watch the day go by. If the person is rested, one can go to the Lazienkowski Castle that has artwork by Rembrandt and Ruben.

Not far, the individual can also check out the Greek theatre, the guardhouse and the hunting lodge. There is also an apartment complex but this is off limits since this is where some foreign dignitaries are staying.

The Museum Narodow is home to the artworks and masterpieces done by Polands finest. The sad part is that the works done by these people are not given that much attention such as those from the west.

Aside from works done by Poles, there are also some done by the Italians such as the The Madonna and Child with St. John that was done by Boticelli. There are also some works by the Germans and Dutch which are on display.

A good picture to bring home will be the Rynek of Zamosc. What makes it so good in the photographs is the brightly painted and stucco sculptured facades that are all over the building.

This is something real and not the imagination by those who did it in a theme park. Surprisingly this was done in the 16th century and some say wanted a little bit of Italy right there also in Poland.

Near the square, is St. Marys Church. This was built in the 13th century and was destroyed by the Mongols. It took more than 50 years to put everything together again and tourists are not allowed to take pictures as a way of showing respect to the worshippers.

Poland just like other countries in Europe has a lot of castles, churches and old squares. A lot of events have happened in these places and people are lucky to see these things up close and personal.