Cheap Summer Vacations: Should You Wait for Last Minute Travel Deals Are you gearing up to start planning your annual summer vacation? If so, you may be in a financial bind. The current state of the economy has many Americans completely foregoing their summer vacations or significantly cutting back. Luckily, you dont have to. By looking for moneysaving travel deals and discounts, you can easily reduce the cost of your summer trip. As previously stated, you can reduce the cost of your summer vacation with travel deals and discounts. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation that floats around concerning…
How to Save Money on Food During Your Summer Vacation Are you gearing up for your summer vacation? If you are like most Americans, you may be vacationing on a budget. If you already made most of your travel plans, like if you booked your airline reservations and a hotel room, it will be difficult to cut too many expenses. Luckily, you still can with food. With careful planning and thinking outside of the box, you could reduce the cost of your summer vacation by $100 or $200 just by watching what you eat! Always make use of free or…
Are you ready to start planning your summer vacation? If your vacation destination is within a reasonable distance to your home, you may consider driving. If so, continue reading on a for few moneysaving tips. With the poor economy and most Americans on a budget, dont pay more for your summer vacation than you need to! So, how can you reduce the cost of driving when on a budgeted summer vacation? First, you need to decide whether you want to drive your own car or rent one. This will be a tough decision. You may feel more comfortable with your…