A World Without California?

There was a fun song that came out in the nineteen sixties that had the refrain I dont care what you say I wont stay in a world without love. Is it even possible to imagine what a world would be like if we didnt have such a place as wonderful as California? I know imagining America without a California alone is almost impossible to do. California is so rich with sights and great places to visit that one has to plan not one but many trips there to truly take in all it has to offer. Why a visit…

Plan a Cheap Summer Vacation in 8 Easy Steps

Are you on a budget? If so, planning a summer vacation may literally be the last thing on your mind. Luckily, there are many travel deals and discounts available. By taking advantage of these deals and discounts and with careful planning, you can easily have a great summer vacation, even with limited financial resources. So, how can you plan a cheap summer vacation in 8 easy steps? 1 Decide on a Destination We all have ideal summer vacation destinations. Pick your top two or three favorites. Which would be cheaper? If on a budget, keep costs in mind. You want…

Plan a Cheap Summer Beach Vacation with These Easy Steps

Plan a Cheap Summer Beach Vacation with These Easy Steps For most, the ideal summer vacation is a beach vacation. Unfortunately, with the current state of the economy, many Americans are giving up their annual summer vacations. Dont let your dream of a beach vacation wash away. It doesnt have to. You can still have the vacation of your dreams; you just need to cut corners and expenses. Continue reading on to find out how! Travel to a local beach. Many communities have local parks that can sometimes double as a beach. They often haul in sand and make use…