After the end of the second world war, during Russias offensive against the Nazis, many small countries fell under the umbrella of the Soviet Union. When the wall came down and the cold war ended, many of these small republics declared impendence and one of these countries is Romania. Tourists from the United States can …
Honeymoon Thrills with a Great Honeymoon idea
The honeymoon, they say, is the perfect time to enjoy the company of your loved one, bask in his/her love and relive the beauty of falling in love again before the hassles of married life starts. After the wedding preparations, this is one of the truly memorable experiences of your wedding. Now, theres just the …
Traveling to Poland
Those who have never gone to Eastern Europe and want to be exposed to it should go to one of the biggest countries that is rich in culture. Here, people will be able to learn the history and the people who have lived in this country known as Poland. The capital of this country is …