The holidays are a time when many people travel, and that leads to the dilemma of what to do with the family pets. Many people choose to bring them along because they dont have anyone to care for them and they dont want to place them in a dog kennel for the duration of their …
Holiday Travel by Train
More and more people are turning to Amtrak as a reliable way to travel for the holidays. After the terrorist attacks of 09/11/01, airport security has become increasingly difficult to get through. As a result most airports have long lines and delays taking place around the holidays because they dont want to become lax even …
Flying Internationally With Kids
Each year, a large number of American families make the decision to take a family vacation. Is your family planning on becoming one of those families? If so, do you know where you want to go? Although there is a good chance that you may want to stay in the United States, there is also …