Today, most people spend a considerable amount of time online. There is also more and more people spending time traveling then in decades past. Some reasons include more people traveling for business, and also the cost of travel is more affordable, with more options available for booking reservations for various aspects of travel including flights, …
Looking to Chartering a Private Jet: What You Should
Looking to Chartering a Private Jet: What You Should Do First Are you interested in chartering a private jet? If so, have you decided which private jet chartering company you would like to do business with? If you have yet to do so, you will want to do so soon. Private jet charters, over the …
The Airplane as Your Office
Business travel very often involves long hours in flight to the city where your work will be done. For most business people, this is lost productivity time that can be torture if you cannot get work done in flight. How often have you said to yourself or to a coworker, Thats all right, I will …