Business travel can be rewarding, interesting, profitable and broadening for the business traveler. But there are some downsides to the life on the road especially if you must travel for business often. Besides the occasional airport delay or layover and the ever present issue of how weather affects your business trips, it is always hard …
Looking to Charter a Private Jet? Why You Need
Looking to Charter a Private Jet? Why You Need to Check Current Specials Are you in the process of planning a trip in the near future? Whether you are traveling for business or for pleasure, you will need to make travel arrangements, if you havent already done so. When it comes to making travel arrangements, …
Staying Healthy on the Road
You can tell an experienced business traveler from one who is new to the experience. It is easy for someone new to business travel to participate in excesses on the road. As business traveler, you are an adult and you are trusted by your company to conduct yourself in a businesslike fashion during your time …