Have you heard of a private jet charter before? If you are looking to take a trip in the near future and you used the internet to familiarize yourself with your travel arrangements, you might have. While private jet charters are nice, they are not ideal for everyone or every travel situation. For that reason, …
The Road to Hana- The First Half
Hana is a sleepy little town located in Maui on the backside of Haleakala. Hana is a fairly quiet town with only one or two hotels. It has a small public beach that when compared to some of the other beaches on Maui seem less than impressive. And what sleepy town would be complete without …
Tipping as a Business Strategy
Tipping is an odd practice primarily because it is common and expected in some professions and not at all in others. As adults, we become accustomed to tipping in the normal day in day out activity of our business and private lives. But when it comes to tipping on a business trips, its best to …