Health and Safety Tips for Traveling Abroad for your Italy vacation When traveling abroad for your Italian vacation there are some tips that you should be aware of. First of all you must familiarize yourself with all the locations you will be visiting. Read as much as possible about the cities and towns you plan on visiting. If you are taking a vacation off the beaten path in Italy it is best to try to limit yourself to places that friends or families have recommended especially if this is your first time out of the country. The US Department of…
You may be wondering where you can go for your next vacation. Maybe you have already been to Hawaii, London, and Paris. Its time to try an Italy vacation. You may have even been to Rome already and disliked the crowds and the "touristy" feel. If you prefer the countryside and don't mind the beautiful scenery you should go to Tuscany for your Italy vacation. You should also go to Tuscany for your Italian vacation if you are interested in art and architecture because this region boasts some of the best in those categories. There are twenty regions in Italy…
You cannot go on an Italy vacation without doing some sightseeing. In fact this is one of the most cited reasons for visiting Italy. The country has a rich culture and a rich history. All over Italy are historic buildings, monuments, museums and all kinds of places to visit that will make your Italy vacation truly eventful. Italy is also a center for high fashion and along with the great food, friendly people, wine and the Catholic Church this may be one of the best sightseeing vacations you have ever been on. It is important to make sure you see…