If you're looking for a romantic vacation or honeymoon, perhaps you should consider visiting San Francisco, California. This great city offers a little something for everyone in addition to some very romantic destinations. There have even been songs about how romantic San Francisco is. Tony Bennett left his heart there if memory serves and who could resist a view of the Golden Gate Bridge when there's a full moon? San Francisco has been designated one of the most romantic cities in America don't you think it's time your found out why? It could have something to do with the climate,…
During your Italy vacation you will find that wine is very important to the country. It has some of the oldest vineyards in the world and some of the best wines are produced here. About 20% of wine in the world is produced in Italy. While you are on your Italy vacation you will find that wine is drunk with every meal and sometimes in-between meals. It will be offered to you almost everywhere you go because grapes are grown all over Italy and wine is made by everyone from the villagers to the large commercial wineries. It is said…
One good reason to go to Italy for your vacation is the people. With over 58 million people in an area about the size of the state of Arizona, Italians are said to be some of the friendliest people in the world. Their love of life, food, people, art and their great culture steeped in thousands of years of history makes an Italy vacation a great choice for leisure travel. You will find that the people are charming and charismatic. They love family life and music and tend to be freely giving of their affection. During your Italy vacation you…