Okanagan Mountain Range Ski Vacations

Okanagan is a mountain range that runs through valleys close to three mountain ranges.During the summer this is the perfect place to do some camping, but when winter hits you will have great skiing weather and conditions. There are small resorts that are scattered throughout the area. The climate here will make for great skiing down the slopes and through the trails. These scattered resorts are very quiet and peaceful. Lifts are available, but they are limited to specific times and dates. These resorts have great skiing around them, even though they are small. This area of mountains offers the…

Visiting Slovakia

When Czech republic disintegrated after the end of the cold war, smaller countries began to emerge. One of these is Slovakia that is located in between Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Slovakia is a small country that has about 5 million inhabitants and is a member of the European Union. Surveys shows that more people are visiting since this is something new and is less expensive. The capital of this country is Bratislava. Given that industrialized neighbors surround it, it is not difficult for tourists to arrive to this country by plane or by train. In the capital itself likes the Bratislava…

Balboa Pier In Newport Beach

A pier can be one of the most romantic places to go in the world. If you doubt that, take a trip to the Balboa Pier in Newport Beach and you'll see first hand just how great a pier can be. On any given summer night, this pier is enveloped in darkness by 10 PM. While the average fisherman heads home when the pier is dark, life continues. All along the pier, darkness does nothing but add to the atmosphere. Towards the end of the pier, you can see the neon lights of Ruby's Diner lighting up the sky, calling…