Costa Rica, Spas and Retreats

If your goal is to escape cigarettes, whisky and wild, wild women, then you might consider the benefits of a Costa Rican Vacation that is a Spa or Retreat. There are those of us that cannot just vacation, we have to have more meaning in our adventure. In this case, instead of getting away from it all, you are getting to it all. It seems the result is the same you get to relax and unwind. I found many, many yoga and meditation retreats so I will just try to tell you about the ones that stand out. I encourage…

Planning your NYC Vacation Makes all the Difference

Whether you realize it or not, planning is the key to any successful vacation. You do not have to be a vacation tyrant that makes your family dread vacations and the boot camp they entail but by having some sort of plan of action for each day of your vacation you can much better stick to a budget as well as assuring you will get the rest and relaxation that is so very important to the renewal of mind and body before returning to work. Vacations do not have to cost a vast fortune, even vacations in cities that are…

NYC National Parks Offer Glimpse of History

If you are considering a vacation in New York, planning ahead is the only way to go. There are simply so many things to see and do that you must have at least a general idea of how you want to spend your days before you can even begin to get started. New York is one of the greatest cities in the world, it didn't get that way without a reason and it has a long history that is part of its greatness. If I were to choose how to spend my time in New York and what wonderful things…