New York Nightlife and Changing Directions

The nightlife is a big part of the New York culture, there's no reason if you are able, willing, and have no children to keep you in the room at night that you are your date for your New York City vacation can't get out and hit the town while checking out some of the wonders of New York nights. The problem is that there is no one size fits all when it comes to nightclubs, bars, and lounges. Each of these is well represented in almost any New York neighborhood and it really is up to each individual to…

New York Fun Freebies for the Family

New York City, other than being the city that never sleeps is also an excellent vacation destination. If you're considering a New York Vacation but worried about the selection or availability of great family activities in which to participate, let me put your mind to rest. There are many family activities in New York City that will appeal to all ages from toddlers to teens. Some of these great activities are surprisingly easy on the pocketbook despite New York City's reputation for being an expensive place to live and/or visit. There are many ways the careful planner can enjoy many…

New York for Youngsters

If you're vacationing in New York City with children you may find that doing all outdoor activities can be quite tiresome for all involved but going through museum after museum might not do the trick for all of your children. Children enjoy doing hands on activities that all museums simply don't readily allow for. This is where planning creative outlets for your children during your vacation can have a wonderful impact on everyone's enjoyment of the time spent in New York. In addition you may discover a talent your child has that you'd have never known about otherwise. Some of…