Traveling Safely in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a country that has had a comfortable democracy for quite some time. Even though her neighbors have been torn apart with political strife, Costa Rica has remained peaceful and with little or no political upheaval. It seems to have created a genuinely happy group of people. However, human nature being what it is, there is some amount of crime that does exist. The usual warnings apply. Stay out of any red light districts there may be and always travel with groups in well-lit areas. Keep your money in a hidden pocket somewhere in your clothing but do…

New York City of Diversity

If you've never been to New York City, you may be surprised to know that there is so much more to this great city than skyscrapers, lots of people, and really fantastic parades. While it is in fact the wonderful people of this city that make it the exciting place to visit that it has become, there is so much more to this city than what you'll see on the television shows and in the news. New York City is a city full of exciting people from all kinds of backgrounds with all kinds of hopes and dreams of the…

New York City is a Shopper’s Paradise

New York is a treasure trove of so many things that it is quite difficult to select one thing to mention when discussing this wonderful city. If you are a natural born shopper and bargain hunter though you would be remiss not to head out to New York with the idea of finding some fabulous bargains in mind. I can't imagine many places in the world that have quite the number of shopping options that are available to New Yorkers on a daily basis. It's hard to imagine that there are people who actually have never felt the thrill of…