Broadway Makes New York Sing

Whenever I think of a trip to New York City whether for a vacation or just a short one or two-day visit I can't help but think of Broadway and the delightful shows that await in these hallowed halls of entertainment delight. Broadway is the essence of New York to me. It can in turns be bawdy, brawling, loud, rowdy, soft, romantic, comedic, and rip-roaringly hilarious. Broadway has it all for those who are willing to look for their perfect fit. The problem with Broadway is that there are so many wonderful shows to see and such limited time (for…

The Incredible Value of the New York Pass

If you're planning to visit New York City it really pays to make the investment in The New York Pass. This pass will allow you free entrance into some of the biggest attractions that New York has to offer in addition to discounts to many more attraction and a 140 page guide book that gives you information about many of the places you won't want to miss while you're visiting this great city. Some of the places that you are allowed free admission by way of your New York Pass include the following: The Empire State Building, the Statue of…