The Blessings Of Vacations

There are so many wonderful things to do and see in New York City. It's hard to imagine that in a lifetime someone could possibly manage to get to them all. The problem is that many of them sound like so much fun it's hard to choose between the men and select the few. The best solution for me is to stick with things that can't be done at home. Playing in parks for the most part can be done at home. While none of our parks compare to the many available here, it can still be done at home…

Teens in the City

New York City offers a virtual treasure chest of fun things to do for teenagers. This age group is generally the most difficult to please and appease while vacationing. They are too old for the kid stuff and too young to appreciate some of the more 'grown up' entertainment and of course, they don't want to look like they're having too much fun. From amusement parks to cyber cafes, from bookstores to malls and video arcades, to sporting events and sporting complexes New York City is a city that was almost made for teens to enjoy. The trick to enjoying…

Costa Rica Is Calling My Name

I haven't had a vacation in 20 years...really. So when my gal pal came to me and started talking about wanting to take a vacation in Costa Rica, my ears began to perk up. She told me that it was a vacation destination that few people think of and because of that it can be more pleasant and less populated by other tourists. The Crazy girl is thinking of retiring there and buying property. She asked me if I would consider doing that. I told her that maybe we should just get a vacation under our belt and then we…