Visiting Venice for your Italy Vacation

If you go on a vacation in Italy it is almost necessary that you visit Venice. Everyone who has ever been to Italy has an almost classic picture of them in a "vaporetti" or a "gondola" with a canal for a backdrop. This famous Italian city found in the north is also sometimes known as the city of water, the city of bridges and the city of lights. Vaporetti are motorized buses used by Venetians for transportation around the city's canals while the gondola is a Venetian boat that is now used mostly by tourists and sometimes for weddings or…

Visiting the Vatican City during your Italy Vacation

One of the most popular destinations for people on a vacation to Italy is the Vatican City. Most people do not know that this is a sovereign city-state. This means that it makes its own rules and has its own governing system independent of the Italian system. The Vatican City is a walled state within the city of Rome. It is the smallest independent state in the whole world with only a little over 100 acres. It was formed in 1929 under an agreement between the Kingdom of Italy and the Holy See. The Holy See refers to the central…

Enjoying the Great Outdoors without Breaking the Bank

Visiting Seattle Washington can be an infinitely fun experience. This experience can be magnified greatly if you find entertainment that is inexpensive of free. The good news is that this type of entertainment can be easily found in and around the Seattle area. The even better news is that I'm going to share some of the many great things you can do for free while visiting Seattle. Some people tend to scoff at the ideas of freebies, and that is all well and good. Those people are perfectly willing to pay over inflated prices for their entertainment while I hope…