If saving money while you vacation is your concern then don’t worry, it can be done without sacrificing your comfort and good time. You should know that the off season is referred to as the Green Season and this last September to December. The Christmas season would be the time that they come out of …
Airfares to Costa Rica
When you’re traveling to Costa Rica you want to get the cheapest airfare and the issue with flying is that the prices change every few minutes to an hour and it’s ideal to research sites like Orbitz.com, Travelocity.com and Cheaptickets.com because they offer rates for flights at different times whether it’s high or low travel …
Costa Rican Vacation Packages
Most of the tour companies and even the major airlines have packages tourists can look through brochures and pick out a tour package that fits their budget since many run someone back around $1500-2000 for the average 5 to 7 day tours and a little more if you’re doing the full 10-14 day tours. You …