If you take an annual summer vacation, the poor state of the economy may leave you wondering. Should you take a vacation? Should you stay closer to home? Should you cut expenses? What expenses should you cut and how? If these are questions you have, please continue reading on for 5 tips on setting a …
5 Tips for Planning an Affordable Family Vacation
Are you ready to start planning your familys summer vacation? In the past, this was an exciting time. However, the economy now has many Americans in a financial bind. If you are one of those Americans, planning your family vacation may no longer be as fun. In fact, it is something you may dread. Luckily, …
Plan a Cheap Summer Vacation and Lower the Cost of
Plan a Cheap Summer Vacation and Lower the Cost of Airline Baggage Did you just finish making your summer vacation travel plans? If so, your trip dates will soon arrive. If you are flying to your destination, you may start to pack soon. If you havent already heard, many airlines have started charging extra baggage …