There is no doubt that there are millions of people out there, not only Americans but other nationalities as well, who dream of spending that one dream vacation in Europe. There are so many places to go to but Europe has charmed its way into the hearts of a lot of many people as the …
Skiing in Andorra
The Pyrenees Mountains are located across the border between France and Spain. Also on this border is the tiny principality of Andorra, as small country thats skiing crazy! With two prominent world class ski resorts, Andorra is an excellent place to escape it all; a relaxing, picturesque, quaint place, with mountain views to take your …
Visiting Ukraine
Many people have visited the countries of Western Europe such as France, Germany and Italy. As the cold war ended, it has opened new tourism routes towards the East. One of these countries that has a rich culture and lots of places to see is no other than Ukraine. This country can trace its roots …