The Cultural Side of Vegas

You wouldn't think Las Vegas would be the cultural treasure chest is really is, especially upon first glance when you can't really see beyond the many casinos and bright twinkling lights that it is most famous for. You don't expect to find the vast number of museums in Vegas that you will find in other tourist-oriented cities. You would think that the real estate in Vegas has been earmarked in most cases for more profitable ventures than museums. There are however, a number of museums in Las Vegas that are very well worth mentioning and exploring if you have the…

See the World in Vegas

Las Vegas today is offering many of the wonders of the world on a much smaller scale to its visitors. There is really nowhere else on earth you can go and see all the sights and witness the thrill of the experience that is Las Vegas. With so much to do and see it's a wonder that anyone ever gets sleep in this great town. Look below for some of the many places to go and sights to see in Vegas that will quite literally have the world at your feet. Paris Hotel and Casino Las Vegas presents the Eiffel…