New York City offers a virtual treasure chest of fun things to do for teenagers. This age group is generally the most difficult to please and appease while vacationing. They are too old for the kid stuff and too young to appreciate some of the more ‘grown up’ entertainment and of course, they don’t want …
Shop for Art off the Beaten Path
Art is one of many cultural draws in New York City. There are art galleries in abundance in this great city and almost certainly an artist to fit almost any taste. Art has always been to some degree in the eyes of the beholder and beauty in the city of New York is in abundant …
Relaxation New York City Style
New York City is perhaps the busiest city in the world. The people here are always running to and fro from work to home to meeting to school functions for their children to dinner you name it and most people in this city are constantly on the move. New Yorkers work hard and they play …