Little Italy in San Diego is rapidly evolving as an inner city neighborhood that’s perfect to live in, shop, dine, or visit. The Little Italy offers great views of the bay, art and cultural festivities, and great food. The nearby street sign for Little Italy, created in 1999, signals that the area is the heart …
The Blessings Of Vacations
There are so many wonderful things to do and see in New York City. It’s hard to imagine that in a lifetime someone could possibly manage to get to them all. The problem is that many of them sound like so much fun it’s hard to choose between the men and select the few. The …
Teens in the City
New York City offers a virtual treasure chest of fun things to do for teenagers. This age group is generally the most difficult to please and appease while vacationing. They are too old for the kid stuff and too young to appreciate some of the more ‘grown up’ entertainment and of course, they don’t want …