Rome was not built in a day and though the empire is gone, the remnants are still there. There is the Pantheon which serves as the tomb of several kings, the Colosseum where gladiators once fought and the Roman Forum that was once the center of public life. Aside from the former empire, those who are catholic can visit the seat of the church and get a chance to see the pope in Vatican City. This place is huge as it has 6 gates which comprise the Vatican Palace, St. Peters Square and the Papal Gardens. One of the things…
Are you a gambler? Seriously, do you take your chances on everything or are you a careful planner? Do you through caution to the wind with solid faith that everything will work out in the wind or do you try to control every aspect of the environment around you. I've noticed that in this world there are those that seem born to gamble, to take chances and take risks and those that agonize over he slightest and smallest of decisions often second guessing themselves into oblivion and back again before ultimately deciding to do that which they truly wish to…
You wouldn't think Las Vegas would be the cultural treasure chest is really is, especially upon first glance when you can't really see beyond the many casinos and bright twinkling lights that it is most famous for. You don't expect to find the vast number of museums in Vegas that you will find in other tourist-oriented cities. You would think that the real estate in Vegas has been earmarked in most cases for more profitable ventures than museums. There are however, a number of museums in Las Vegas that are very well worth mentioning and exploring if you have the…