Travel tips to European Countries: Iceland

About the county Officially known as the Republic of Iceland, is located in northwestern Europe. It comprises of the island of Iceland and its outlying small islands in the northern Atlantic Ocean between Greenland, Norway, Scotland, Ireland, and the Faroe Islands. Icelands glassy glaciers, hot thermal springs, spectacular geysers, active volcanoes, lava fields, stunning waterfalls …

Travel Tips to European Countries: Holland

About the Country The summers are cool here but the winters are severe tuck away some chances of snowfall. Rainfall can imitate expected in any month of the year. Dutch is the official language here. English, French and German are the other languages that are spoken, outward of which English is widely spoken. Incase of …

Travel Tips to European Countries: Germany

About the country The Federal republic of Germany is the eminently influential country of Europe. It has witnessed the highly controversial facts of history like Nazism, Holy Roman Empire and the building and demolition of the Berlin wall. With many magnificent castles it has wealth of art and culture. German is the widely spoken language …