The California hotels are known for their unique comfort, with groovy spirit and plenty of style. No matter what the purpose of your visit, may it be business or pleasure; the California Hotels will always make your trip a pleasant one. Each of the individual California hotels have a combination of rooms that can suit …
Should You Consider Travel Health Insurance,
Are you a recent college graduate looking for that dream summer back packing across Europe, A young adventurer who wants to re-trace the steps of Genghis Khan, A middle aged individual who is years overdue on a really good vacation, For many individuals, a truly great vacation includes traveling. Getting away means just that, getting …
Should I Purchase Travel Insurance, Travel Tips
This is one of those age-old questions with no definitive answer. It’s estimated that 30 percent of Americans purchase travel insurance, which is a drastic increase since 9/11, when less than 10 percent of travelers were insured. If you’re flying on a $150 ticket to see Aunt Irma in Wisconsin, you probably don’t need travel …