When we think of really terrific destinations to find great sights and experiences, we somehow tend to think of the coasts of America. And to be sure, from the California to Washington State to the eastern seaboard, these states boast some of the most exciting vacation destinations we have in this country. But its never …
Hot Dogs and Pizza
Any attempt to really come to appreciate the amazing sightseeing that is possible in America would have to include stops in some of the countrys truly great cities. For some reason when we think of outstanding cities of America, we tend to drift to the coasts. And to be sure from Los Angeles, San Francisco …
A World Without California?
There was a fun song that came out in the nineteen sixties that had the refrain I dont care what you say I wont stay in a world without love. Is it even possible to imagine what a world would be like if we didnt have such a place as wonderful as California? I know …