Ways to Save Money for Holiday Travel

Many people want to travel for the holidays but they dont feel like they can because their budget doesnt allow for it. Yet there are plenty of ways you can raise money to be able to do so. The sooner you start making a plan and determining how much money you will need the more successful you will be. Come up with as accurate of an amount as you can so you wont fall short. If you overestimate the amount of money you need for holiday travel then you can enjoy it later on. Make a commitment not to touch…

Honeymoon Thrills at Cheaper Deals

Lets admit it, wedding costs are no joke. Theres the whole wedding hullabaloo, not to mention the honeymoon. And of course, you definitely want to enjoy the honeymoon where its just the two of you together. And more than just being a time spent with your loved one, your honeymoon is the perfect way to relax yourselves after a busy wedding ceremony, and be treated like royalties and enjoy all the amenities of luxury. Although it is always good to be frugal, settle for anything less than what you and your loved one deserve. While some may have the money…

Olvera Street: A Taste of Old Mexico

Olvera Street, or La Placita Olvera, is the quaint birthplace of modern Los Angeles. This block-long street has now been restored to an old-fashioned marketplace and plaza reminiscent of early Mexico. The street and plaza were designated El Pueblo Historic Monument in 1953. Olvera Street attracts two million tourists every year. The area is blocked to automobiles so pedestrians can easily explore the streets 27 historic buildings. These include a range of authentic Mexican eateries, including the citys oldest Mexican restaurant, La Golondrina Caf. Some of the buildings are rented to merchants selling Mexican goods. Some stores stock inexpensive souvenirs…