Officially known as the Republic of Iceland, is located in northwestern Europe. It comprises of the island of Iceland and its outlying small islands in the northern Atlantic Ocean between Greenland, Norway, Scotland, Ireland, and the Faroe Islands. Icelands glassy glaciers, hot thermal springs, spectacular geysers, active volcanoes, lava fields, stunning waterfalls and snow-capped mountains, …
Summer Vacation Destinations for Beach Lovers
Do you consider yourself a beach lover? If you love the sand, the water, and the sun, you may be considered a beach lover, on a number of different levels. Individual who love the beach are more likely to select a beach for their next summer vacation destination. If you are interested in experiencing a …
Travel tips to European Countries: Iceland
About the county Officially known as the Republic of Iceland, is located in northwestern Europe. It comprises of the island of Iceland and its outlying small islands in the northern Atlantic Ocean between Greenland, Norway, Scotland, Ireland, and the Faroe Islands. Icelands glassy glaciers, hot thermal springs, spectacular geysers, active volcanoes, lava fields, stunning waterfalls …