Travel tips to European Countries: UK

About the county The United Kingdom also called as England or Great Britain is the country which once ruled nearly the entire world a century ago. The glory might have been lost but people are still proud of their country and heritage. It has come a long way from a colonial empire to a member of the EU. The country comprises mainly of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The country is full of scenic locales and energetic cities. Also the county is home to nearly two million heritage points. The capital city of UK is London. A city beyond…

You Can Enjoy a Lake Tahoe Vacation on Board a

You Can Enjoy a Lake Tahoe Vacation on Board a Cruise A Lake Tahoe Vacation will not be complete without a cruise. In fact, there are two ships to choose from namely the M.S. Dixie II and the Tahoe Queen. These two vessels are managed and maintained by Lake Tahoe Cruises and Zephyr Cove Resort. You might be wondering if there are any differences between the Tahoe Queen and the M.S. Dixie II. For starters, the Tahoe Queen is powered using a paddle wheeler and not a motor. This is similar to the steamboats that were used more than 200…

You can Take a Romantic Lake Tahoe Vacation

If you want to try out something new and spend a weekend or even a week-long vacation, then you can take a romantic Lake Tahoe vacation. Spectacularly nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Lake Tahoe is one of todays finest vacation destinations around the United States. Lake Tahoe is located along the border between California and Nevada, but wait until you get to experience the natural and breathtaking beauty of Lake Tahoe where you will be surely captivated by its romantic setting and natural charm. Travel experts agree that there are more romantic Lake Tahoe vacation ideas, accommodation and sightseeing…